Up, over, and resampling

I tried asking this elsewhere and got a few anecdotes (more are always welcome), but I was really hoping for some links to technical papers (that I may not fully grasp. I haven’t kept up my college calculus.)

Does anyone have links to educational articles or papers on upsampling, oversampling, or resampling? I know there’s no new information generated, but it still theoretically helps DAC performance, right? Is there a downside as long as the implementation is solid? And what qualifies as correct?

I had a CD player many years ago that had an upsampling add on board. Impossible to quickly A/B, but it certainly seemed to enhance the experience enough that I had zero regrets with the upgrade. I think it converted redbook CD to 24/192. So I’ve had a positive early experience, But I see NOS DACs are crowed about, while there are others embracing a more is better approach  

I’m trying to research a little because I finally got around to reading some of the manual for my new streamer. (So I don’t screw up ripping all my CDs for, hopefully, the last time.) I realized it has options for resampling during playback. If I’m using the USB output it always sends at 32bit but can also goose PCM up to 8x (384kHz max). S/PIDF output is bumped to a maximum of 24/192. I don’t hear a big obvious difference, but I haven’t spent much time looking for one either. Without any DSP down the chain is resampling really worth it? And if I were to some day splurge and get an M Scaler or similar would it make sense to disable any resampling by my streamer in favor of a presumably better dedicated component?

Because it will be asked. My virtual system is mostly current. CD player was an Ah! Njoe Tjoeb, that was mothballed years ago when the transport started getting twitchy. The streamer is an AURALiC Aries G1.1. DACs are Chord Qutest or Soekris dac1421.


Showing 2 responses by cat_doorman

@yage thanks for the link, I’ll need to carve out some time to focus on it properly

The current process of ripping was just what prompted me to look at the manual and discover new things. Ripping is done at native redbook to FLAC.

I find the three terms upsampling, oversampling, and resampling confusing because while I’m fairly certain they have distinct technical meanings, they are often used interchangeably. If I use one wrong then please correct me. I’m trying to get a better handle of this.

The Aries G1.1 upsamples all files, adding null bits to make bigger words. When sending S/PIDF 16 bit becomes 24 bit. For USB all samples become 32bit. This is independent of source, library files or streaming services, all are upsampled. This would be like adding trailing zeros after a decimal point. The number is unchanged but the available precision is greater for subsequent manipulation, like volume control or DSP.

The oversampling is usually a multiple of the native rate  44.1kHz can become 88.2, 176.4, or even 352.8kHz which is 8x over USB. (Similarly 48kHz can become 96,192, or a max of 384kHz.) At its crudest existing value repetition could be used, but I think the more sophisticated approaches interpolate intermediate values or try to recreate more of the original waveform by complex iterative algorithms. No idea what method the Aries uses or the computing power required. I think some DACs perform a similar manipulation allowing the use of less harsh antialiasing filters that keep artifacts well beyond human hearing

Resampling I think is both simultaneously and not necessarily in multiples and can have more issues. Changing sampling rates by non multiple factors seems like it could be especially problematic. That might be why so many devices have multiple clocks, one for 44.1kHz multiples and one for 48kHz multiples

i haven’t tried the USB with the Soekris  The Qutest is supposed to be galvanicly isolated and have a great USB input. It might be the change in streamer or going to USB or a magic cable, but there are a lot of cliched impressions I could share about first trying the Aries Qutest combo after using a Node2i for almost 4 years, 3 of them with the Qutest. Node2i will find use somewhere. Too good not to use, but not worth selling.

Ultimately I want to pick the best set of parameters for me based on theory and verified by listening (even though I’m not sure what to listen for). Hoping that if I understand it better then I’ll be less likely to do something incredibly boneheaded in the future if there are changes in affordable tech  




@yage I appreciate the extra homework. A reading list is what I was ideally looking for, There’s too much about the subject (even if you exclude disinformation) to cover it properly on one of these threads. I’ve skimmed through some talks by Rob Watts, but I assume having a better background prior will make those flow a little better.

@barts the CDs are being ripped to lossless FLAC. Any manipulation beyond redbook isn’t saved to disc. I had done ALAC before when I was still using a lot of iTunes, but that disc died a tragic death so I only have AAC copies of most of what was there. Those are fine for my phone, but not for my main rig. The first time I ripped was to fit all my CDs to an iPod, the old kind with a HD. Then I tried local streaming, lossless files over Airplay, but could never get the Airport Express to behave. Reboot at least once a day. Now after a few years of streaming lossless from Qobuz, it’s time to get everything on the streamer SSD. And I will back it up. I also need to decide which of the albums I mistakenly bought off iTunes as mp3s are worth buying again either on CD or digitally.