Up or Downstream: Which should be more resolving?

I’m going with upstream.

I have had the experience of pairing a moderately resolving upstream component (e.g., cdp) with a highly resolving downstream component (e.g., speakers) and the results were disappointing. Specifically, it resulted in the perceived “magnification” of the upstream component’s flaws. I concluded from this that pairing less resolving upstream components with more resolving downstream components tends to result in a system whose failings are primarily sins of COMMISSION.

In contrast, my experience pairing a more resolving upstream component with a less resolving downstream component resulted in sound that, while not perfect, was much easier to listen to. I concluded from this that pairing more resolving upstream components with less resolving downstream components tends to result in a system whose failings are primarily sins of OMISSION.

And now for a (admittedly hasty) generalization: Each component should be equally resolving or more resolving than the component immediately downstream from it. Or more simply:

Upstream components should be more resolving.


P.S. The question expressed in the title of this thread may seem like a variation on the perennial question “Source or Speakers: Which is more important?" but it isn’t quite the same. That question usually means either (1) Which component contributes more to the character of the sound? or (2) Which component should you choose first when assembling a system? or (3) Which component should you spend more money on? I am not asking any of those questions. And if I were, I would go with speakers for all of them, which is obviously the most DOWNSTREAM component (other than the room), illustrating the fact that the question I'm asking in this post, and my answer to it, is distinct from (1), (2), and (3). Also, I intend my question to apply to every stage of the audio chain, not just to sources and speakers.

Showing 1 response by bryoncunningham

Blindjim - Thanks for your thoughts. I agree with all of them.

FWIW, I wasn't trying to suggest that resolution is of paramount or of exclusive importance in an audio system. I was more interested in hearing peoples' thoughts on whether any valid generalization can be made about whether it is more advisable to choose components with greater resolution and greater resolution as you move UPSTREAM in a system, and less advisable to choose components with greater and greater resolution as you move DOWNSTREAM in a system.

Ultimately, this consideration bears on how best to match components and improve system synergy. But as you point out, it is certainly not the only consideration when matching components or addressing system synergy.