Unusual Music Recommendation

I personaly love alternative music although I rarely see any of it recommended. I highly recommend Dave Mathews and Tim Reynolds Live at Luther college. Its acoustic, live, and recordeed exceptionally well. Very well rounded and the rhythm is as good as the lead blended with great vocals. If you hate all alternative this this is the album that will convert you. Try it!!! You will be glad you did.

What is your favorite alternative album?

Showing 1 response by djjd

Great question. I also like alternative stuff, including Matthews and Reynolds. I'll have to check out "Live at Luther College". Can't say I have one "favorite" alternative album, but here a few that have always remained in the short stack since I first heard them: Big Head Todd & the Monsters "Midnight Radio", Freedy Johnston "This Perfect World", Aztec Camera "Knife", Skids "Joy", Echo & the Bunnymen "Ocean Rain", Joy Division "Unknown Pleasures", and Smashing Pumkins "1979". Some of these may not have been considered "alternative" when originally released, but I think they fall into this category today. It is unfortunate that many of the more interesting alternative titles were poorly recorded, and some of the best alternative albums from the 80's are no longer available. Don