Unplugging / replugging Anti Cables Changes things

I recently had to move my Linn LK140 power amp sideway by 6 inches to make some room. I had to unplug my Anti Cables from the power amp.

When I replug my cables back to the amp, the previous sumptious and open sound of this beautiful cable were gone. Instead, it now sounded congested and somewhat masked.

After over 10 hours of playing, the openness of the previous sound came back a bit, but not fully. I have been playing the amp for well over 50 hrs now, the previous sumptuous open sound of the Anti Cables (when I had over 200 hrs of continuous playing unplugged) never fully returned.

Has anyone experience this strange phenomenon ?

Showing 1 response by muralman1

I moved mine all over the place, carried them about from system to system,
and never noticed a difference when I reconnected them to my system.