Unknown type of audio interface/connector/cable


I've recently found an Akai HX-M30W stereo double cassette deck and I've been trying to find a way to connect it to a speaker. 
It only comes with a type of connector which I attached a photo of in the link below, I've been searching for the specific name of it in hope of finding a cable for it, but i could not find it.


I hope you can help me! 
It's really hard to tell what that is in the photo and I am with stereo5 a tape deck would go into a preamp or integrated not a speaker.
Post removed 
I found it in my grandma's attic, so no loss :))

This is how the cassette deck looks, it has a dolby noise reduction button on it, so it's definitely made for recording. 
It has a power outlet and that connector, whose only use i suppose would be for audio playback.

I did also find another Akai radio/amplifier/tuner with a graphic EQ which in the meantime I plugged into my computer to test and it does work perfectly.

I attached photos of both here: https://imgur.com/a/Yp9TVec .