Unitiqute 2 failing - what to do

I have a set of Harbeth P3ESR hooked up to a unitiqute 2...and it has been a beautiful marriage. I love the NAIM sound but their user interface is awful (at least on my device) and there are so many little glitches with the UQ streaming that I am not even going to start into it.  After an email to Naim (not the first) they say they no longer support the UQ2.

So, I purchased a B/S NODE (132 - the new one) and hooked it up (analogue) and none of the Harbeth greatness is coming through.  I may try a digital connect and/or improved analogue connectors but It's so bad I can't see it making up the lost ground.   The sound change is drastic...not subtle.  

Without sinking $3K into another "all in one" type streamer any recommendations? 

thx in advance


Showing 2 responses by movingeast

I have the NODE connected to the Unitiqute2 (it's a streamer/dac/pream/amp allin one) via analogue (just the connects that come with the Node for now).  I have an old LINN LK 140 SS amp that I was thinking of swapping for the Unitiqute to see how that sounded.  The Linn is a lot of muscle for those little speakers but they may shine.  I will report back on that.

NAIM produces great sound but they did a poor job of migrating their products to streaming.  The user interface was glitchy from the beginning but I loved the sound so I put up with some of the BS.  I will probably only use this little Harbeth set up for one more year so don't want to sink money in.

I have the NODE connected to the Unitiqute2 (it's a streamer/dac/pream/amp allin one) via analogue (just the connects that come with the Node for now).  I have an old LINN LK 140 SS amp that I was thinking of swapping for the Unitiqute to see how that sounded.  The Linn is a lot of muscle for those little speakers but they may shine.  I will report back on that.

NAIM produces great sound but they did a poor job of migrating their products to streaming.  The user interface was glitchy from the beginning but I loved the sound so I put up with some of the BS.  I will probably only use this little Harbeth set up for one more year so don't want to sink money in.