Unison Unico experience?

Has anyone listened to the hybrid Unison Unico integrated amplifier? The reviews look good, but I want to hear from someone who has first "ear" experience. Thanks -Durr

Showing 1 response by restock

I had the Unico for about 3-4 months and did not like the sound at all. I tried a few different tubes (e.g. Mullard, Jan Phillips) but found it to be very veiled and lifeless with a slow, thick midbass and bass.

I really wanted to like the Unico because of its great built quality and remote and was hoping to replace a Jolida all tube unit but it did just not work in my system (at the time; Unic CDP, Unico integrated, Mission 753 and Spendor S3/5). For similar or less money, I used a Audio Aero Prima, Linn Wakonda/LK85, Jolida 302b, Rega Mira all of which I liked much more than the Unico on the mentioned speakers.

Just my opinion though...
