Unison Research S6

Hello. I'm slowly working my way in the audio world. I just recently purchased a pair of Mulidine Cadence speakers that are powered by my old but, faithful Adcom GFP 565 preamp and GFA 545 II amp. As expected the musicality produced by my old Rotel RCD 970BX took on a whole other meaning and pleasure. I am currently exploring possible replacements for my Adcom system. One dealer had recommended the Unison Research S6 and EUPHYA Alliance 250. I believe I'm faced with two different options the former being a tube system and the latter, solid state. The CD player will have to do for the moment but, its time shall come also. Has anyone had any experience with these components? Any suggestions? Much thanks from an inexperiened but appreciative afficiando!
Wow! Mulidine Cadence speakers! One of the most memorable sysetms I have ever heard was with those speakers. The amps and CD were Jadis tube and the sound was indescribably incredible. I have also heard the Euphya 270 and would absolutely recommend it. Euphya, Mulidine, and Apertura are all most impressive.

I know the Unison S2 which is really nice. It doesn't have the accuracy of the Euphya, I would say, and potentially less definition too. But on the other hand, it has big hips it likes to throw around and with the right speakers (yours would be great) it would please a particular type of person to no end. The Cary SLP98's signature comes to mind when I think of the S2. I am sure the S6 is similar, knowing how those Italians like to do things, but should have better bass control. But in my opinion, get the Euphya.

You must live in France, non?


I have heard the S6 briefly & it's a nice amp. The midrange is pure & the EL34 valves sound quite nice. The bass however might not match your SS. If you are ok with this I am sure you are in for a nice treat. As always have a listen before you buy. Good luck!