unique tonearm Brooklyn Bridge

A few years ago, an audio shop in Northern New Jersey was selling a tonearm that looked like a strucural bridge element, anybody know who made them and perhaps where to buy one?
no, it was manufactured within the past 5 years, a audio retailer in Northern NJ who specializes in analog playback had it on his website, it was wooden, triangular, very unique and it was suppose to sound good too!
I know which one you are talking about. It looked like the arm of a crane - triangular form when viewed from head-on with side braces between the three main lengthwise elements (side braces also formed triangles with the lengthwise elements forming the third side of the triangle.

I remember red highlights for some reason, and a north European origin.

I remember seeing this at the same time as a Scheu tonearm, and for some reason I think it may have been the original or prototype version of the Scheu Cantus, but I am not sure. I'll have another think...

Alternatively, there was once a Norwegian tonearm (WKarlson?) which looked like it would have a lot of rigidity but a HUGE amount of horizontal mass, but that was made of metal, not wood.
Okay a shot in the dark here but since it appears T bone could be on the right track perhaps you should give Tom Hills a call at Hudson Audio in NJ. If it is a prototype Scheu arm he would know because Hudson Audio is the Scheu importer. Even if it's not related to the Scheu he may still know as Hudson audio specializes in analog equipment. Worth a shot.
There may be no relation to Scheu. I just remember seeing them at the same time, and note the acrylic Cantus has that same shape. I was probably associating things which had no association other than their proximity in my memory.

There was a tonearm designed by Randolph Hedgebeth, an architect, and it was called the Golden Gate. It was made of wood, in a truss or spaceframe structure. This may be what we are thinking of. But I remember (or don't as the case may be) something a little bit better made than the picture I could find on the web.