Unintended lyrics

Music to sooth the savage beast (breast).What songs do you know that people routinely misunderstand the lyrics, to the concernation or amusement of the artist. For example Dylans's "Excuse me while I turn and kiss the guy" (kiss the sky). Nylons "Give me the Beach Boys and free my soul" (Give me the beat boys and free my soul I want to get lost in the rock and roll)

Showing 3 responses by bob_bundus

That old moldy Louie Louie song (I've long forgotten the artist) had to be one of the most controversial 45's ever spun at a high school sock-hop. You can barely understand the lyrics, but that never stopped those fr!(k!^ bible-beaters from imagining the absolute worst.
"I need drool love" (from Led Zeppelin's Physical Graffiti)
markr come on now; y'all know a bomb when you see one!
Mitch: I've always heard
"burn the longest fuse I've ever known"
it's just a reference to their long prelaunch countdowns isn't it?