Uneven Temperature of 2-channel Parasound A23 Amp

I have a Parasound A23 amp. I noticed that the right channel of the amp is so much cooler than the left channel.

I first noted this when I left the amp for a few hours yesterday. Nothing was playing - just that the amp was on.

Although a bit warmer, the right channel seems also cooler after an hour of playing music.

Has anyone experienced this phenomenon?

Parasound A23 power amp
Parasound P3 preamp
B&W 803S speakers
Oppo DV-980H DVD player

Showing 1 response by morgandogge

Thanks for your input. First off, is this something that needs attention at all? Could adjustnent of bias on a solid state piece of equipment be done by a casual user? On a lighter note, I see that you have a pretty nice system setup. That is cool!