Understanding impedence matching

I am a psychologist and my eyes start crossing when the conversation gets too technical, but that being said, I am beginning to wonder what impedence matching means and what I should pay attention to as I upgrade my setup.

The two pieces in my system that are likely here to stay for a while are my SF Electra Amator II, that evidently don't drop below 6 ohmns, making them receptive to an OTL amp, and my Cary pre, that has phono impedence @ 47K (evidently this can be adjusted) and output at 800 ohms. I am in the process of upgrading my amp and TT.

What does this mean in terms of how I think about these two acquisitions?? Are there specific numbers I need to pay attention to, and/or formulas for these, or is it all in the listening?

As always, thanks for your help. This community is amazing.

Showing 4 responses by ccryder

Thanks everyone. I have begun my inquiry into Ohm's law and its implications. I've gotten the E=IR concept down, but as to the implications, well I gotta keep studying. But since there is some conviction from you that understanding this does, in fact, help demystify the process, I am eager to learn.

Again, my thanks. The more I explore the web, the more amazed I am by its power to connect strangers.
This is so cool. I'm all over google trying to make sense out of what you good people are saying. It's slow, it's slow. Clueless, you say the point about impedence is that I need to figure out what the goal is, transferring voltage or current. Can you elaborate on this? How do you tell what the goal should be?

I am not even going to touch all the other questions I have - I'll keep reading around and try to learn a little more about the basics.

Many thanks to you all. Happy listening. Chuck
Thanks for asking, Subaruguru. I am tracking, except for when I'm not! The main upshot of all of this is that I am going to want to find some coherent, organized introduction to these issues, as I would like to pull back the veil a little. Any suggestions? The links people have provided seem to start in the middle, given my starting position.

And, I also understand that there is the same kind of impedence issues with the TT/cartridge and the pre-amp. I assume the same principles are involved. Is that right?

But, whether I understand it all or not, I am really enjoying reading and appreciate people's input.
Hi Subaruguru,

The only problem is that I am probably going to buy it over audiogon, so home audition may not be an option.... I had another thread earlier asking people who have the same speakers what amps they have found works well, and of course, got several differing opinions! I got a book by Robert Harley that explains some of the electronic basics, so I am learning, slowly. Thanks again for your help and input.