Under my tower speakers -- Isoacoustics Gaia, other options?

I have Ascend towers (45lbs each) on a concrete floor covered in thin wall to wall with an area rug on top of that. I am looking into different footers for my speakers and am curious what people with towers on concrete have tried and liked.

To my mind, something as expensive as Townshend platforms do not seem worth it, as they'd cost about a third of the price of the speakers themselves.

If you've tried Gaia III isolators or other kinds of feet for your speakers, especially on concrete floors, I'm curious to hear your observations. Thanks.


Showing 1 response by adrianleewelch

I’m using Gaia footers on an SVS PB 16 ultra on wood floors. I’m also using them on a heavy turntable. I’m very pleased with them. I thought they were a bargain at their price. I haven’t used anything more expensive to compare them though. They did tighten up my bass and kept my turntable from getting in a feedback war with my sub.  We were having terrible feedback at 90db, and it fixed it completely. No more woofer pumping.