under $300 bookshelfs: does excitement exist?

sub sidized of course.

Showing 2 responses by buscis2

Dylan, I'm with John on the Athena line. I presently use 4 Sound Dynamics RTS-3s for my HT. They are a truly amazing speaker for the money. For a short period I was using two of them for my 2 channel system while waiting for my present speakers to arrive. Time and time again I sat in front of these speakers doing some very critical listening. I was awed by their performance.

Is there better out there? Absolutely. But I challenge anyone to find the price to performance ratio that these speakers offer. At this point in time you can probably find a set for under $200.00 new. I have not heard the newer Athena line, but if they sound as good as the RTS-3s you really can't go wrong.

If you have a Mapleshade catalog, you will notice that Mapleshade offers a set of floor stands that tilts the speaker back at approx. a 15 degree angle. You will notice that the speaker used on that stand is an RTS-3.

Best of luck and happy listening.
John, I'm almost positive that Athena speakers are produced by Audio Products International Group in Canada. If memory serves, Athena is the new renamed Sound Dynamics. API produces several different speaker lines. One of them includes Energy. I forget the other brand.

Before purchasing my Energy Veritas 2.2s. I had several different conversations with one of the design engineers at API. These boys are VERY serious about their products, and really know their shit. Needless to say, theoretical design criteria, no matter how well thought out, may not necessarily create a good sounding product. But these guys spent over 2 years, non stop, developing the Veritas line.

They subjected these speakers to every possible modification and design change imaginable. Countless hours were spent in many different listening environments tweaking and adjusting. It Shows.

If you get the chance, click on my system. I am using some pretty nice gear. The usual reponse I get from people..... Geez, why are you using Energy speakers? I have learned to not be a "Name Brand Nancy". I let my ears tell me the truth. And I am a music FREAK. And have been all of my life.

I've learned.... GET PAST THE NAME BRAND and listen to the MUSIC. If YBA or Audiomeca started selling their gear in let's say, Best Buy, would it change the design and engineering that went into the product?

I still scratch my head and try to figure out why my RTS-3s sound so damn good @ $200.00 a pair. But ultimately? Who cares!

It's nice to know someone else has ignored the name and instead, is listening to the music.

Happy listening.