Under $10k budget Preamp suggestion, please.

I'm upgrading my system and considering next preamp right now in this budget. If possible, I'd like to find ones having retail price around $5-8k. Here's my setup

Transport: Hiend music server using Digital balanced + Superclock as master
D/A: Esoteric D-05 slave to transport
Pre: Considering here.....
Power: Spectral DMA 180 (May change later)
Speaker: Rockport Ankaa

I'm considering Karan KA L at the moment since I couldn't think of better alternatives right now. I feel my system needs a bit more lower frequency for suitable tonal balance because D-05 has inferior bass comparing to Alpha DAC which almost fits in my system.

Showing 1 response by mribob

In reviewing your equipment; I don' see a need for a phone stage; if that is correct; perhaps Crad's response could be refined by the EAR 864; which is similiar to the EAR 912; but lacks a phono stage; it goes new for $5600; and used for less than that...