Unbelievable Solid State Amp at 2-3k ran

Once again, like others, I am in the quest of something that will stop the jitters of potential better, more slamming sound than what I presently own. I have had a Nak PA-7, which sounded great but ran out of steam when driving my Gershman X-1 and Sw-1 subwoofer combo. Currently I own a Sonic Frontiers Power 2, which by the way, does not seem to suffer much noticable clipping as the Nak, at 110 watts per channel tube. Is there an amp out there that will add great, slamming bass with ABS control on it and yet sound ridiculously neutral, but not frigid at the range of 2-3k used or new? Maybe I should continue to stick to what I have, but I cannot help, but to wonder. I was wondering about those old Pass Aleph 2 monos. Do they provide current, or are they simply underpowered for what I want?


PS: Preamp, SFL-2, CDP=Panasonic DVD transport, Bel Canto DAC-1 processor, MR 78 Mcintosh tuner.

Showing 2 responses by audioguy123

Used Bryston 7B's(500 watt monoblocks)..Much better bass than the ML333 and horribly revealing---better have great upstream components