Unbalanced to balanced VPI junction box change?

I have a VPI classic 1 with Valhalla wiring. Currently have a rca junction box and considering changing for XLR. My only reservation is needing to upgrade wiring along with the junction box. For my taste an approximate $1000.00 upgrade. I love the sound now, would be worth upgrading?

Showing 1 response by almarg

ZD, Ralph's contention just applies if certain criteria are met, and they are very often not met. See his post here, in which he explains further, and also offers what I consider to be a highly persuasive proof of that contention, at least for line-level interfaces.

I would add, though, that most high output cartridges, such as moving magnets, will not meet those criteria, and their response in the treble region can be profoundly affected by phono cable capacitance. Also, cable capacitance can even make a difference when it comes to low output moving coil cartridges. See this post by Lyra cartridge designer Jonathan Carr, starting with the paragraph that begins "I should now debunk another myth ...."

Best regards,
-- Al