Unable to audition used speakers a problem

One component I will not buy unless I can audition the item for sale are speakers. This severely limits available candidates, but that is OK with me. The problem is that whenever I find a local pair I would consider purchasing, the seller is unable to allow an audition because "they're boxed up". What's up with that? Wouldn't it make more sense to leave them connected or ready to be connected for at least a few weeks after they're listed for sale? Why box and seal them up before placing the ad? Does anyone else find this a problem or am I just being overly prudent?

Showing 1 response by beemer

I welcome potential buyers to listen in my home. After 30+ years as an audiophile, I have found that all of the folks I've dealt with over the years have been stable folks with just the audiophile disease....

So, when I shop out for new items, I want to listen. anyone who will not accomodate doesn't get my $$$$.

Scaredy cat PC weenies should be leaving their used items at the dealer to hock for them.

