Ultimate Integrated amps

Here's a list of ultimate Integrated amps between 30-50K for people who want a simple rig with no compromise :
Dan D'agostino Momentum IntegratedAudionet HumboldtVitus SIA-30CH Precision I1Aavik U-380Jeff Rowland Daemon
Soulution 530
Feel free to add others that you know of or share your experience if you own one of them.Cheers

Showing 2 responses by maxwave

I do not think that there is such a thing as ´´ The best  ´´ this or that ,.

Yes, you need a minimum though.
As there is no ´´ Best denture ´´

´´ The best ´´ is the one that  fits your  mouth ( pleases  your ears )

There is also a lot of psychoacoustic with this hobby : my system sounds much

better after I clean it .


Mine had Electro Harmonix 300B as stock tubes

I replaced theme with Wester Electric 300B the day I got my Brama Integrated.

It is a good choice to have Western Electric as stock tubes.

You do not wish to have average tires  when you buy a Bentley

I think , the choice of Electro Harmonix was based on reliability .