Ultimate Integrated amps

Here's a list of ultimate Integrated amps between 30-50K for people who want a simple rig with no compromise :
Dan D'agostino Momentum IntegratedAudionet HumboldtVitus SIA-30CH Precision I1Aavik U-380Jeff Rowland Daemon
Soulution 530
Feel free to add others that you know of or share your experience if you own one of them.Cheers

Showing 2 responses by audiofound

If you ignore the price tag, based on performance, I think the Pass Labs int 250 should be included.
Pass Labs. Their stuff is extremely hard to beat. SQ and craftsmanship as good as it gets. Customer service at it’s very best. Nothing not to like. One of my ear’s very favorite flavors of amp. Their entire line is consistently, superbly, built.