ultimate final word 2 on best speakers

#1 world class winner incredible deal of the century best choices top of the line fantastic awesome pure realistic. i put these words in so that readers can find this thread. i am hoping that it'll get a large response so that it can be the final stop for newcomers to compare in the end before making their decision. a suggestion try to be breif and this is a learning place no need to get deffensive if tastes clash, we are all entitled to have our opinions. let's have fun and be open here are my choices for the very best incredibly life like speakers: mbl $45,000, dynaudio c4 $16,000, vandersteen 3asig. and 5a, von schweikert vr4 jr $4,000, psb alphas $250, sound dynamics 300 ti $400, ... i want to state what speakers i have heard so that members know how much experience i have i welcome others to do the same. these are speakers i heard that don't rate highest it doesn't mean they are bad or horrible but they don't approach what the others do; audio physics, theils, wilson, b&w, magnepan, martin logan, apogee, among others. thanks for stopping by please think it through before commenting let's remind ourselves what is it we are after a LIFE LIKE SOUNDING SPEAKER.

Showing 1 response by dgob

I suppose a lot comes down to what one comprehends in the terms "life-like". Surely Nrchy does not believe that there is a single sound emanating from a single venue from which we all adopt "the" true/living sound. Venues, acoustics, subjective placing and reception are surely far more complex than that!?

So, in the spirit of fun with which this thread started, I concur with Honest1. In my small listening room and with my associated equipment, the speakers that come closest to reflecting a generally representative sound of many of the "live" performances that I have heard would be the Talon Hawks and the Von Scweikert VR-4 III SE's. The frequency extension, 3D staging, timbral range and speed of them bringing out the best from my experience and environment.