Ugrade-itis - is there a cure?

If, by some "dark magic" you woke up one day and your system sounded the best you've ever heard it - AND - better than the best system you had ever listened to in a high priced audio store, would you still want to upgrade your components?

If the answer is yes - are you...
  1. an "Audio shop-o-holic"
  2. or just curious as whether that new component will make a difference 
If you are #2 - if you bought a new component and it made NO improvement - would you stop uprading?

Just curious :-)

Showing 1 response by granodemostasa

I like to upgrade until i'm looking over a cliff that is impractical to cross: 

eg: I have heard every headphone and headphone amp on earth and the only way to get more is big money electrostatic= i'm done. 
eg: I have bought the latest DSLRs and lenses out there, the only way to improve is to switch to mirrorless= I'm done, 
eg: I just upgraded my dac, speakers, interconnnects, and amp and I'm in listening heaven, but it's possible to improve with a power re generator, it's possible to improve with better cables, it' s possible to improve with a better music server, it's possible.... but i could spend alot of money going nowhere= it's time to stop.