Ugrade-itis - is there a cure?

If, by some "dark magic" you woke up one day and your system sounded the best you've ever heard it - AND - better than the best system you had ever listened to in a high priced audio store, would you still want to upgrade your components?

If the answer is yes - are you...
  1. an "Audio shop-o-holic"
  2. or just curious as whether that new component will make a difference 
If you are #2 - if you bought a new component and it made NO improvement - would you stop uprading?

Just curious :-)

Showing 1 response by big_katydid

I do wonder how much upgradeitis is simple the need for novelty and change like in any hobby collection. I know that I could quite easily upgrade my system but I have toyed with the idea of having several loudspeakers that have entirely different presentations to suit different music/mood/volume needs (steve guttenberg has a similar idea and is posted on his channel). Of course it then down to which speaker (etc) but I can envisage having say 3-4 pairs of $2000 speakers with entirely different signatures and or design helping to prevent that stagnation from having your favourite music sounding the same every time you play it! The counter argument would easily be that an $8000 well chosen speaker might well trounce the 4 cheaper ones.