Ugliest Speakers???

I'm sure most of us would never select a speaker solely on appearance but after sonics it probably would be a criteria, as well as size, weight, color etc.
Looking through the November Stereophile I noticed a new speaker on page 21, the Loiminchay. I'm not sure I could live with this one. It may sound great, I don't know but the appearance of the speaker could never cut it for me, definitely not my style.
What's your take on this one? Any other candidates?

Showing 1 response by bpwalsh

Popluhv wrote:
I was there, and Steve wouldn't have known about them if I hadn't arranged the event and taken him there. Yeah, they're kind of an acquired taste :-) They were driving them to very loud levels in their factory with an 11 W/ch Cary 300B amp. Haven't seen the guys in several years. Very nice fellows, building them on the side.