Uber quiet tubes for C2300 pre

I am replacing the tubes in my McIntosh c2300 pre and want super quiet tubes for the MC phono stage and mains. I don't mind NOS if necessary.
Any opinions???

Thanks for responding,

Showing 2 responses by nsgarch

You want to skip the 12AX7's altogather IMO (not that there aren't some quiet ones) but for REAL quiet and smooth, grainless, flat frequency response, you want matched triple-mica black plate 5751's, with the copper support rods and rectangular getters. My personal favorites (of that type) are the 50's and early 60's Sylvanias (~$200 - $250 a pair) or RCA's (~$150 - $200 a pair).
All the NOS tubes I've tried from UA (maybe a dozen or so) have been weak and overpriced! And their remarks about 5751 are incorrect from an audiophile POV. (Might apply to guitar players overdriving their amps to get that "fuzzy" sound they like.)

Regarding the "fact" that 5751's have 70% the gain of 12AX7's: First of all, 5751's were initially designed for military use (the 3-mica version, anyway) and the Air Force wasn't going sub tubes which couldn't PERFORM the same as regular 12AX7's. Second, most circuit designers would never ask any tube to operate in the range (top of the curve) where that extra 30% would be a factor; and third, the best examples of 5751's (like the RCA's and Sylvania's I mentioned earlier,) if really new old stock, or almost new old stock, have transconductance readings way above the "average normal". The AN for a 12AX7/5751, for example is 1250 micromhos. All my good ones read 1300 (minimum) and most are 1500 +/-. So I wouldn't let the 70% thing bother you if you're buying premium NOS 5751's (but don't buy them from UA ;-) I also caution against buying really 'brand new' (never used) vintage tubes. You could be spending a lot of money for something that pops the first time you power it up. I have purchased truly NOS tubes, but insist the seller run them in a piece of equipment for an hour before shipping them to me ;--)

For those unfamiliar with "Joe's Tube Lore", this rundown on 9-pin twin triodes, is highly recommended as a place to get your feet wet. It's where I started, and a good guide to future exploration: http://www.audioasylum.com/scripts/d.pl?audio/faq/joes-tubes.html