Tyler Acoustics D20 vs. D1 vs. D10

I am looking to upgrade my main listening / viewing space. Currently I have a Marantz 7005 driving a Sherbourn 5/1500A (200W/ch into 8 ohm)into a set of Dahlquist DQ20s. I purchased the D20's 13 years ago for my stereo set up, but then they became my front speakers in my home theater setup.
So, I have a large room (25 by 30 by 25 room open into a larger open floorplan), and I would like to upgrade both my HT as well as my 2 channel audio.
I am looking at a number of different options, but I am very interested in Tyler Acoustics currently. In particular, I am curious to hear opinions from anyone who has heard both the D1 and D20's. I've searched and have found very little info on the D20's.


Showing 1 response by erndog

Also check out the Linbrooks. I know a couple big Tyler fans that tried the new D series and bought them and after awhile they sold them because they preferred the Linbrooks, Super towers, or Woodmeres. All of which have the Seas drivers.