Tyler Acoustic speakers

What model do you have/had, what are you driving them with, and how do/did you like them?


Showing 1 response by doyle3433

I have a pair of T1 timekeepers and I totally enjoy them. I am driving them with a rogue Atlas 3 magnum and Rogue RP1. It seems to be a very nice combination. The Tylers are very musical, super easy to live with. I am experiencing no fatigue. (I was with the prior pair of speakers, Klipsch Heresy 4's. While very detailed and dynamic, they wore me down after a half hour).

The Tylers have a nice soundstage, wide and deep. Decent low end for stand mounts, however I do use an SVS PB2000. I bought the dedicated stands from Ty, he made them for me to the height I wanted. My listening room is 12x15, concrete floor with mild foam treatment. I am very satisfied and would buy them all over again.