Two systems? Why?

I mentioned on another thread that I have two completely different systems, one for HT and one for music. I wonder how many of y'all have taken that approach. Anyone care to comment on your systems and how they differ?

I'll start off.
My HT system: Paradigm Reference Studio 100 v2 mains, Reference CC, Reference ADP surrounds, and Servo 15 sub; Parasound 2500u pre/pro; Parasound 2205AT amp; Toshiba SD5700 DVD; Sony CX90ES CD jukebox; Monster cables.

My music system: JM Lab Mezzo Utopia speakers; Belles 350A amp; Rega Jupiter 2000 CD; various cables. No vinyl and no tubes (gasp).

Persons familiar with this gear will see clearly that I am seeking two quite different goals with these systems.

Others take a moment to share?

Showing 1 response by dr_joe

I have two systems for one simple reason: I like to listen to music while I work (home office system) as well as while I'm not (living room system). In my case, I have no TV and, obviously, no home theatre. Both my systems are plain, two-channel audio.

LR System: Thorens TD-125 mk II with Grace 707 arm, Reson Reca cartridge; Sony X779ES CD player; SAE tuner; Meitner PA-6i preamp; Meitner MTR-101 monoblocs; Tannoy System 12 DMT II speakers; Museatex cryogenic interconnects and speaker cable.

By no means ultra high-end, price-wise (everything but phono cartridge and some cables purchased used), but satisfies me.

Office System: Pioneer PD-91 (as transport); Monarchy 18B DAC; Bryston 11B preamp; Meitner STR-55 power amp; Tannoy System 12 DMT I speakers; XLO Pro 1200 speaker cable; Belden and Canare StarQuad cables for interconnects.