Two surprising things I found that improved my imaging and staging...

... First off I have a odd room for my two channel listening and have been getting beat up trying to find proper placement. I have been reading a lot here and on the inter web and decided to use the room setup calculator on the Cardas site. ( )

#1 was how close to each other the speakers are now. I wouldn’t have placed them that close together.

#2 was that the best imaging and staging is with zero toe in.

Having a hard time wrapping my head around these changes but it’s the best my system has sounded since I finished the putting it together. lol

Staying away from toe-in might be minimizing cross wall first reflections while maintaining same side wall reflections, which are now reduced in volume and slightly more delayed by having the speakers further from the wall, thereby minimizing or perhaps even optimizing comb filtering effects. Same side wall reflections tend to widen the soundstage. Cross wall first reflections can be a mixed bag, often not helping with imaging but under the right circumstances might help with spaciousness without harming the imaging. In your smaller space they probably aren’t helpful. Having the speakers closer together helps to solidify the center image.
Agree with follow your ears through the journey. In my experience, having nearfield or having a television involves being closer to the speakers. I notice that most deep bass then is harder to create since long waveforms need room. Some things are lost in this configuration you just may not know are missing. Also placement and toe in are great ways to listen and understand how the speaker interacts. For years I have had my Maggie’s with the tweeters inside. For fun I swapped them to the outside and to me it’s radically more listenable. Positioning speakers in your room is far preferable to swapping out equipment or cords to learn what sounds good to you. 
According to Cardas my 16 ft wide room should have the speakers 7 ft to rear wall, HUH ?
Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t the goal to get a solid center soundstage, great sound,and the speakers disappear? Towing in too much gives away the location of the speaker. Again I’m referring to my Monitor Audio broad desperation speakers. 
Since I moved from a 1200 sq ft listening space in NYC to a 550 sq ft listening space in The Hudson River Valley, my speakers give me the greatest natural balance, detail and spaciousness when pointed straight out, not toed in, and when making the space between each and the side walls equal to or slightly greater than the space between the speakers themselves.