Two surprising things I found that improved my imaging and staging...

... First off I have a odd room for my two channel listening and have been getting beat up trying to find proper placement. I have been reading a lot here and on the inter web and decided to use the room setup calculator on the Cardas site. ( )

#1 was how close to each other the speakers are now. I wouldn’t have placed them that close together.

#2 was that the best imaging and staging is with zero toe in.

Having a hard time wrapping my head around these changes but it’s the best my system has sounded since I finished the putting it together. lol


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In my listening/TV room l have my two channel & 5.1 HT systems in a low console My room has vaulted ceilings and my listening position is eleven from my Maggie’s l have six feet from the center of my speakers to the side walls For critical listening l grab my tape measure and position my Maggie’s four feet from the wall and nine feet apart with slight toe in All measurements are within + - 1/8 inch and symmetrical
Typically l find this setup to give me the best
soundstage with excellent inner detail I’ve tried numerous speaker locations so don’t be afraid to experiment I have located my speakers twelve feet apart and six feet into the room and all over the map, just to hear the results and confirm if l have my speakers in the best position Now when l get real bored l start messing with my two sub woofers locations, but not too often as they weigh 100 lb’s each!