Tweeter recommendation close to MDT33

I am currently looking for tweeters that are similar in sound Morel MDT33, but at a more reasonable price. Someone at CES told me about a more reasonably priced Vifa that was very close to the Morel, but at the time, I failed to note which model they were refering to. (Note: These tweeters will be used in a home theater set-up, so any recommendations will have to consider the same sort of power handling capability that is equal to or bettter than the Morel)

Showing 1 response by ikinat

Trelja and Carl this one here is been so one sided it is a joke. Trelja you just keep coming back time after time with facts and expreirience and knowledge. I have to say it was an absolute knockout not even a contest. And he can't even use his usual nastiness and know it all ways with you because you just hit him with the facts he's got nothing to come back at you with. See how he turns the whole thing around and won't even talk about your tweeter recommendation. I used to think you were a zero but you're ok.