Tweaks you got rid of because they were not effective (enough)?

There are some audiophiles for whom cost is no object; they buy what they wish and every single tweak and gadget which promises to improve the sound. And the industry is all too happy to produce such tweaks -- often made of expensive materials with elaborate engineering explanations. Those who question the value of these tweaks are frequently accused of being "naysayers" who are either too ignorant or insensate to realize that "everything matters."

Of course, money spent one place cannot be spent elsewhere; expenditures on tweaks take the place of other more central factors affecting the sound. In some cases, those tweaks are worth it; you can hear the difference, and that $400 (or whatever) really could not have improved your speakers or sub or amp, etc.

So, the question here is simple: Which tweak have you tried which, after some experience and reflection, you realized was either *not* effective or not the most effective way to improve your system? 

Showing 5 responses by oldhvymec

I worked with a guy that had 50 years of experience, everyone was different, every year. I worked with another guy that had 50 one (1) year experiences, all the same.. Who left, who stayed? A hint, everything is in order.. :-)

6 posts

That was an interesting post.. that is a "tweak’’ that works for you but probably not for me... I like the approach though, you actually repaired the problem with a proper fix, NOW keep what you have left. Take care of those puppies.. I’m OVERLY blessed, hyper sensitivity, my whole life.. ear plug for 50 years...ALL the time..

mahgister3,548 posts10-15-2020 6:21amNot only we dont have a definition of a what a "tweak" is, but it seems that we dont even have a clue about a simple fact:


The facts are mahgister, YOUR ideas are based on a "philosophy, or ideology", that YOU have developed over the last two years or so.

I think with ALL the information you have provided, I have yet to read a single thing you’ve actually done, beginning to end, and how and what materials you used to do it.. I really don’t LIKE your embedding ideas, because you won’t explain it. Plane and simple as that.

You sir are learning... I admire your tenacity, but "Audiofiling" has no "isums" in it... You have WAY to much "ICING" and not near enough "CAKE"

I suggest before you go spouting how your 500.00 system is what it is because of "embeddings", your own private way of describing things that have been described for over 100 years by others, in other TERMS.

YOU learn what a "TWEAK" is, not me, or most of the others...

"A Tweak" is ANYTHING other than equipment or cabling.
It can also be a "WAY" of doing things. BTW a room is optional, where you place your equipment, is ALL "Tweak"

I say you have a NICE 500.00 dollar system..

When it all boils down to the last word.. BETTER EQUIPMENT,
AND "How it’s used" is the only answer to better Sound Quality.

"Tweaks" are icing on the cake, NOT "Embeddings’, what ever that is..

Respectfully, I really don’t need a philosophy lesson, from a "2 year old audiophiler", with a whole new way of doing things... It’s called "Tweaks"

If your nice, I’ll send you another 500.00 worth of equipment.. You keep saying how you have no money. I’ll pitch in.. What do ya need? I’ll pay the postage too.. What do you want?

Kinda like Bruce Lee's book, that no one could understand, BUT HIM...

Isn’t that just one man’s journey into the unknown leaving behind a metaphysical mindmap for the benefit of not only those that may wish to follow but the author himself?


I don’t know what it was, to tell the truth. I read that book to the point of totally "NOT understanding it". Come to find out no one else could either..

In the audio world, terms get thrown around like they mean something..
They may to some folks.

Vibration, Harmonics, SOUND. IS 101 in a good mechanics learning.
Mechanics learn that FEELING, Hearing and knowing about sound, is WHY thing stay together, or FLY apart..

Feeling = 60 hz and below
Hearing = from 27.5 hz -19+ KHz
Knowing = sound above 21Khz

This is the reason for my position, most "Tweaks" work for the person doing it. Usually not me. WHY? Because I was the guy that had to go back to the tweak, and fix the real problem, AND pull the tweak out to get back to square one... REALLY..

Example: Two guys buy amps. One buys my cheap Class D. the other buy a top of the line Pass. Nothing left out... My amp requires everything under the sun to make it sound GOOD, PC, internal wire upgrade, fuse swap, Buffer board upgrades, EVEN complete Power Supply swaps. Still that Pass with a cheap PS cable, and some cheap zip cord, and cheap RCAs or even CHEAPER XLRs with good speakers and an OK source, will sound MUCH better.. NO TWEAKS..

Most don’t work because they don’t work.. I’ve found that routing cables, letting things settle, VERY minor speaker movements, and PUTTY pinching, are all the tweaks I usually need.. MOST of the other stuff, enjoy it... it’s fun, at least mahgister and millercarbon aren’t spending a fortune on it..

I know my rooms, I know my equipment.. I know my equipment will work in your rooms. WHY? the way the equipment is set up.. We start at the top and work down, not at the bottom and work our way up.. That was done a long time ago.. In my teens 15-16.. I’m 65 now.. NOT $$$ wise, but what I (ME) work with.. I like Mac.. I like VMPS, I like mine... SO I learned MY stuff... Don’t we all.

Back to the Shop, and Time to feed the chickens... I wish you guys could see the new planars from GSR. WOW... olay, amego...BOOM BOOM just around the corner..

I think I’m gonna name them "kenjit" Mini’s and Maxis. :-) Let you guys run with that...
What can I say he inspires me.. Mercy. lord love a duck...

Audio is not about the "taste" for a product among the millions there are, it is about how to learn to listen music and sounds.....


Well I'll say this, you have YOUR ideas about, what it is to be an audiofiler.

I like model railroading to, that hobby goes from "taking pictures" to electrical, to "SOUND", to paint and finish, landscape, mini, MAXY, copper, silver, nickel/silver, brass, plastic, cast, portable, fixed, ect,ect,ect.

A LOT of the model railroader I know, don't even have a layout, or a single, PART. Maybe just pics...

Sometime the audiofile journey is MORE than just  HIGH QUALITY sound, it is the very small parts, that make up our VERY diverse community.  Someday I'll go deaf, blind, whatever, will I still be an audiofiler? TO THE GRAVE.. I think? My cousins can't hear a thing... They love to dance, and be around music. Can't hear a thing... Pure feel.... They won't wear rubber sole shoes to the dance, LOL messes with the music, my cousin says...LOL

Tweaks..... The next door neighbor finally moved.. "Tweaker, away"

Long live the hearing aid...I wish batteries were included.. Eye glasses aren't far behind..."Tweaks that QUIT working".. Glasses broke, yesterday... :-)

Definite chicken feedin' time...

Plane and simple.  Better equipment will give you better sound quality.
BETTER, MORE GOOD. Has nothing to do with cost.. BUT GREAT equipment will cost you more.. Unless you have a rich uncle, that gives it to you..

First rule... The best equipment you can afford. Don't start at the bottom and work up. Start at the top and work down. This includes cabling.
Everything I use in my systems require NO cable upgrades, factory will work fine.. Speaker IC, XLR, RCA, good will work. Nothing too fancy..

First rule... As much room treatment as you can afford, or tolerate (if your gonna use a room)

First rule...Protect your expensive equipment, maintain 120 VAC and a FAST acting surge suppressor. (Clean the AC source...Maintain the source)

First you equipment and measure with a tape measure, then make MINOR adjustments.

TWEAKS, what's left? Most of it sounds good one day and not the next to me... WHY?  Well, the ol mechanic comes out in me... "That was BS",
Cable risers work though.... Easy to clean under, and they do actually work, just takes a couple hours for me to hear the difference.. I knock a block over and don't see it, then stand up the riser.  After a settling time.
I hear the difference..

ANY vibration control is good.

Over dampen a room.. A problem in a LOT of rooms...
