Tweaks That Don't Work

This may be the subject of some discord, but a great community service would be to help others not waste money on snake oil.

Please let us know what you've tried that had no impact - or negative impact, even - on your system. Also, if there are tweaks or products that are only useful on some systems for whatever reason, please let us know what kinds of systems do and don't benefit from the particular products.

Some of you out there have tremendous experience trying to squeeze every last ounce of performance out of your equipment and probably have a laundry list for us - let's hear it!

Showing 2 responses by nrchy

IME you're all wrong. Those things worked, just not in my system.

I will share with you my most effective tweak. To define tweak, to me its an improvement that is not part of the signal chain. Well my tweak has enabled me to listen to my system for longer periods of time, with a greater level of comfort. When I listen, I always wear underwear and pants two sizes larger than I wear otherwise. It makes the music 28% more enjoyable.
pbb I have never agreed with you before, but I only wear natural fibres, except for a couple of biking shirts.