Tweaks That Don't Work

This may be the subject of some discord, but a great community service would be to help others not waste money on snake oil.

Please let us know what you've tried that had no impact - or negative impact, even - on your system. Also, if there are tweaks or products that are only useful on some systems for whatever reason, please let us know what kinds of systems do and don't benefit from the particular products.

Some of you out there have tremendous experience trying to squeeze every last ounce of performance out of your equipment and probably have a laundry list for us - let's hear it!

Showing 2 responses by bignerd100

Good spikes on floorstanding speakers do work if the mass of the speaker is great enough to keep them firmly planted(unless your floors are creaky and resonant).
Throw rugs and plush furniture do work to calm a lively room.
Good (not necessarily expensive) power conditioners on things that spin work.
The cost of most tweaks far outweighs the benifit though. Even the tweaks that do work only improve the sound relative to the capabilities of the equipment. Careful placement of speakers can make a modest system sound quite impressive and enjoyable though.
Jkring is right. This is a hobby for most of us. It is enjoyable and safer than sky-diving. At the end of the day, when all is said and done... it is just a stereo. A better stereo than the one from Wal-Mart or Best Buy but still just a stereo.

For those who really think jars of rocks "work" I have some really big jars and some beachfront property for sale.

Have fun and enjoy the hobby.