Tweaks just mental?

Some say that the effect some of the tweaks make are psychological. Let's say that it's a fact that some changes to your system are mental. What's wrong with that? We all know that we perceive sound differently. And we have personally experienced a situation with someone and had a totally different experience.

Just how mental is the whole listening experience? I'm not pretending to know, but I wouldn't be surprised if we find out that it's more and more mental. For instance, let's say I could make no changes to my stereo, but I could have the house alone for the weekend, I could toss my cares out the weekend for the weekend, play it at any volume that I desired (still no changes to the system). Further, I could reroute planes and vehicles away from my house, so that I didn't get low-freq interference.

I remember seeing a post where several audiophiles said that their best listening time was around 11PM and they attributed it to either smoothed power that time of night or more mental peace in their household. Hmmm ...

Showing 1 response by jvia

The best listening time of 11pm can be explained away by the glasses of wine,scotches(my choice)and other "tweaks" that are available for the system.
Much of the experience is mental, the whole "hearing" process is bioacouistal/mechanical/synapse/electrical, and amazing feat in itself, and very subject to tweaks. Those could be of rest, and some I know(I know an engineer that does mixdowns 1st thing in the mornings saying that he hears better then) swear 1st thing in the morning is the best time to listen and kinda gross, but having your ears cleaned can be a tweak. . My eardrums have been patched, and In some ways I would imagine that to be a tweak. I remember reading once of the tweak of removing your glasses if you wear them as I, because of the reflections off of them,etc. How many of us do that late at night but rarely during the day.
And actually, if the tweaks, whatever they are work for you, I don't know if it really matters if its mental or not.
IF you are enjoying the tweak, then it works for me. Think I will pour myself dram of a tweak now.