
Hello, It has been a long time since I've been on the forum but I finally tried something new with one of my old tweaks and it worked out great. I had my Walker Audio Silver Treatment laying around and applied it to my tubes. I have a Quicksilver preamp and a set of Mini Mono power amps. I hit the tubes with the Caig spray then put the silver treatment on, the power tubes first. It was a huge difference, richer and way more detail and I have cheap power tubes at the moment, JJs... I put the treatment on all tubes and my system sounds just amazing for what it is. Just wanted to pass this along, I've used the treatment on other parts of the system, connectors and power cords but this has to be its best application ( TUBES ) for me at least.

As I suggested, try Stabilant 22. It IS the stuff to use for ICs, you do not even need to remove them. It is the active ingredient in what used to be called "Tweak". I am sure you remember that stuff. FWIW, I realize that it can be done and is of benefit in all connections, just problematic...

My assumption was not erroneous, I have an EE background myself. I was talking about shear experience. He has been selling tubes to people for 25 years and has heard it all over that period of time is all I meant. It was not intended as a put down.
4est- I personally prefer the Caig products for cleaning accessable contact points of all kinds, after having tried a plethora over the years. As far as experience; I was building and experimenting with electronics as a hobby, from the age of 13(1961), degreed at Case Institute, and finally got into the vocation in 1975(TV/audio/pro reinforcment/instrument/speaker system- repair & modding). Opened my High End Audio shoppe in Florida, in 1978. Lots of experience with, and exposure to, tubes(etc). I've heard a few stories myself, but am a firm believer in verifying things, before writing them off(knowing how much abilities vary among our species). Happy listening!
My gear still sounds great, no problems with the silver treatment leaking or causing damage. It's been in use for months now, I'm glad I got around to putting this stuff on the tube pins.