tweak, do they realy bring improvement?

Hi folks, do tweaks (anti-vibration devices, cones, CD-demagnetizers, tuning strips and adhesives etc.) really bring improvement to the sound, or is it just an alteration of sound what we hear? I think a unit (be it a preamp or CD-player) still have the same sonic characteristics (the nice and the nasty ones), even if tweaks are being applied. Audiophiles are getting excited when they hear "improvements", but often those improvements turn only to be a difference in sound. In my case I think my system is sounding best when no tweak is applied.

Some do, most don't. Listen before buying, if no money back
warranty is offered forget it. One last advise, the ones that do work stay on the market for quite some time, the other ones are "fly by night". Just try to look around for
cd stabilizer mats & cd's edge markers, maybee one or two manufactures do have them in their lines.
Repends on the capabilities and deficiencies of your system. I had one of the great ears in audio come to my home from New Jersey this weekend . My friend Dave said my system lacked one critical component. It just happens to be from a company that posted above. He said his friend Barry from Bright Star Audio makes incredible and affordable isolation devices that will breathe life into my system. Disclaimer : I am NOT a dealer but I Am going to buy a product or two from them asap. This hobby and especially this site is too damn much fun . Tweaks... and do they work?.... What do you think ?
I absolutely agree with Barry - I don't get anything until I eventually get a clue how it supposed to do what it claims. For me understading adds fun, this is not about money at all. So far I couldn't find clear enough explanation how vibration may affect well designed SS devices... so no isolation platforms nor coupling devices have found their place in my shelfs yet. Cables, spikes under speakers are quite obvious... Power conditioners - the funny thing is that the better designed the power supply of the component, the less effect AC tweaks produce. For some reason I haven't heard about so well designed components yet...
However, all this is not about savings, it's about fun, so I don't see a reason why not to buy and try even if it doesn't work? If it makes fun, consider it working!
i use anti vibration devices under my cdp but thats as far as ill go with tweaks.

Yes they do work to a very minor degree in most cases,HOWEVER,what people are trying to do with them is to fix what are room tune problems. To do that properly, unfortunately, you need a pro with experience and the proper equipment to do it right. All the tweaks are just shots in the dark. Sometimes you can hit a few targets in the dark, but you can't really kill the beast. Go to and then click on publications. Read all of the articles and you will see what is involved in properly tuning a room.