tweak, do they realy bring improvement?

Hi folks, do tweaks (anti-vibration devices, cones, CD-demagnetizers, tuning strips and adhesives etc.) really bring improvement to the sound, or is it just an alteration of sound what we hear? I think a unit (be it a preamp or CD-player) still have the same sonic characteristics (the nice and the nasty ones), even if tweaks are being applied. Audiophiles are getting excited when they hear "improvements", but often those improvements turn only to be a difference in sound. In my case I think my system is sounding best when no tweak is applied.


Showing 2 responses by stehno


A tweak is no different that swapping components. Sometimes it's better, sometimes it's worse. It depends on the tweak and it depends on the system.

If you have a Sony am/fm bathroom radio, no tweak in the world is worth implementing.

But is a line-conditioner a tweak or a necessary piece of equipment? That depends. If you are not using electricity to power your equipment, then a line conditioner is pretty useless.

If you choose a poorly engineered line conditioner, then it's worse than useless.

Are vibration control devices a tweak or another necessary part of the puzzle? This depends on whether or not your system is susceptable to vibration. If your equipment is in the same room as your speakers, you can bet dollars to doughnuts that whatever vibrations your sternum is capturing, that your equipment is also capturing those same vibrations and more because of their sensitivity. Not to mention the resonances generated within each component.

But again, there are several methodologies and many devices from which to select. Some believe that placing their components on the sands of the seashore is the best methodology to obtaining sonic bliss. Poorly chosen methodologies and devices will render the sonics rather lifeless and/or indifferent.

And the same arguments can be made for general electrical (dedicated lines, cryo-treated connectors, cables, wires, etc)and acoustic tweaks as well.

Although I've never met an electrical tweak yet that I did not like.

Now when you say that your system sounds best when no tweak is applied, that can mean one of several things.

1. Your system's sonic presentation is not properly weighted across the spectrum and the tweak seems to tip the scales even more off balance.

2. You currently reside in ceslestial places where AC noise does not exist and vibrations bounce off the protective deflector shield surrounding your components.

3. Your wonderful stereo system is only a figment of your imagination. You only think it exists and that you are listening to music.

Everybody has issues with AC noise and vibrations. And for those who use cd players, they also have the problem of inducing digital noise back into the AC (because it's bi-directional) and into the other components and is even known to go back to the service panel (for those with dedicated lines) and then contaminate the other circuits from there.

But then again, I could be wrong.

Driver, it took me 8 months to find the ideal local for my speakers. As as you probably know, it's only ideal until I find an even better spot.

But I will say this, for best sonics, I'll take an average system tweaked to the max over any system at any price with no tweaks associated.

For the well-planned and carefully chosen tweaks are far more than just a great equalizer.