Tweak a Jolida 302B or Look Elsewhere?

Looking for a good tube-amp match to go with the following system:

Proac 2.5 and Vandersteen 2CE Sig speakers
Rogue Audio 66 Preamp
Cambridge Audio D500SE CDP (soon to upgrade to Arcam FMJ or ???)

I currently own a Jolida 302B that has a slightly humming transformer, and as long as I'm going to fix the tranformer I might consider making some mods. What do you think - is a tweaked 302B suitable for this system, or should I just sell the 302B (fixed or as-is) and go for a different tube amp (e.g. AR, Berning, ???).

Note: someone mentioned to me that the transformer hum could just be a grounding issue. I'll try a cheater. Also, any recommendations for the CDP upgrade with this system. Thanks Alot.

Showing 1 response by audiokinesis

While my 302B doesn't hum, I've had other (much more expensive) amps that did. The technique Viridian suggests may well solve your problem. In one instance I mounted the transformers on rubber grommets, which worked quite well.