TW Raven One vs. Nottingham 294?

Okay... I will definitely purchase a turntable in May/June, and I need your advice, please. I do mostly classical music, along with a healthy dose of rock and jazz. I am interested in Raven One or the Nott 294. I'm attracted to the 294 for the included 12" Ace Space arm, and for the lower price. I've heard excellent things about it.

But lately, I've heard remarkable things about the Raven One, too. I know that the tonearm will have to be purchased separately... but I understand that the Raven One can accommodate 12" arms, too...

Obviously, the Raven One costs more than Nott 294, but does it justify its price differential? Or does Nott 294 offer performance near the rate of the Raven One?

Your objective opinions will be much appreciated. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by inman29

I agree with David12 in recommending the Raven One. It could definately be the last TT you will ever buy. I have a friend with a Space Deck in a very nice system and it is a fine TT but he is now considering a Raven One. I have a Raven Two (a Raven One with two arms) with a Graham Phantom with Air Tight PC-1 and an Ortofon 309S 12" arm with an Ortofon Rondo Bronze cart. While the Ortofon combo isn't up to the Phantom/PC-1 level, as you would expect, it holds it own very nicely and I could be happy ever after with this combo alone. Regarding the switch from 33 to 45, all you do is push a button on the motor control. The control holds speeds exactly and the whole design is simple and elegant with exemplary engineering. Jeff Catalano will help you through the decision making process and is fair and honest in his dealings.
Good luck.