TW Raven One owners- will this be it ?

I'm seriously thinking of going for it but just want to be sure that this is my last TT.
My wife has been complaining about my pile of gears in the attic which i really have to start disposing.
$6500 these days plus an additional $4k + for the arm is quite a chunk of cash. But got to enjoy it. I'm hitting 55 by December and gotta enjoy life!

My previous TT was the scout, Scoutmaster & the Aries 3. All good TT's but i think its time to move on.

On the other hand, there is a VPI Classic tempting me at $2500 clams. A few of my buddies up North swears by them.

So, what's it gonna be guys ?

Which of these two turntable will give me a more analog sound ? more weighty sound ?

Looking forward to some informative opinions here.

Raven One owners, any itch to upgrade to the next tt ?

How easy is it to set up & is this Raven finicky with ancilliary gears, carts, isolation stands, etc ?

Fire them up.


Showing 1 response by david12

HiFitime.... Do you meajn your bones are'nt meant to groan, getting out of the chair? Mine have been for years.

Well I am 61, why is age relevant here? Lets "fess up" and admit all my turntable buys/mistakes

Thorens 160B for 20 years
Linn LP12 variously fiddled about with
Origin Live Oasis
Origin Live Resolution modern
TW Accustic Raven one, sinceMarch 08

The TW is way better than anything I have had before, well engineered, neutral, deep base. I am in the state that I can't quite imagine what much better would be and certainly I am not buying another deck. I am retiring soon, so I can't anyway.

Is it the last table you will covet or buy? I urge you to look at the TW Acuastic 3, thread running now, as a cautionary tale