TW Raven 10.5" Tonearm

Hi All

I'm 'considering' a TW Raven tonearm BUT that silly looking bird painted on the bearing section really puts me off. I've got in contact with TW Acustic but he will not return my emails. The silly looking painted bird looks so out of place on a tonearm. My 4 year old daughter painted one just like it last week.

Does anyone know if it is screen printed on or etched. If screen printed I could take it off with paint stripper!


Showing 6 responses by dravden

a black sticker.....mmmm.
sounds like a good idea.

what do you think... Ortofon RS309D or Raven 10.5"?
The ortofon I can get for about $1300 used but immaculate, and it doesn't have a silly bird glued to it.
Hi Adog

Why on earth would you think this post is rude? Can't anyone express a dislike to detailing anymore?

I've read here that some take a dislike to turntables, cartridges, CD players, amps...well just about everything audio and there are many that name the what is so different about this?

I just think the 'birdie' looks silly, I'm not saying TW looks hidious or anything. Now if I did say that, then I should be 'blasted' for it.

Perspective please.... I'm only commenting on what I think is a silly bit of detail!

You can ask Porsche to de-badge the car, change suspension, even increase problem. Jaeger-LeCoultre will help 'tailor' the watch just for you. Even my electrician was accomodating with the audio side of things.

All of my 'kit' so far is bespoke (non-standard). Yes it costs extra BUT at least I get what I want and it suites the surroundings.

Don't you guys EVER want something unique?

Oh well....
I heard the 10.5" a few weeks ago and it sounded VERY good BUT I have also heard people (as well as TW) say the 309D is only a few points away from a Graham Phantom and Triplanar!

The Raven tonearm will have to go someway to beating a Triplanar. It's hard getting to hear all these tonearms together...that's the problem.

I need to compare the TW 10.5" to a Phantom or 309D. I have seen a comment on the 309D/ PW Winfeld being a match made in heaven.
Hi Darkstar....

I have to get up after every side and see that bloody pidgeon!
I'd rather it be a picture of it dead on its back :))

Hi Ebm

Do you run the tables? I looked at the Raven AC but it was just too big a foot print for my support....I should have tried harder to accomodate it.