TW Acustic Turntable Mat

From Highwater Sounds Facebook page, Jeff Catalano posted a pic of the new TW Acustic turntable mat - sourced from Japan. It looks pretty substantial. I can always email Jeff on info, but hate to bother him about a turntable mat. Anyone else have any info or cost on this new mat?
Thanks Philb7777

I am not using the millennium mat just the bare platter. Curious did you have to reset the arm or did you just use the VTA adjuster?
I actually did it both ways for a trial. I stayed with the arm about 4mm on the set recommendation of 4-6mm and just used the VTA. The thickness of the matt is about 5 mm, so you have to elevate the VTA quite a bit to get the VTA/SRA back to where you want it. It's worth the trouble though!
i have used a matt for 3 weeks and tried with both an ortofon per winfeld as well as a lyra skala and can report significant improvement in background silence,image stability and a small improvement in clarity across the frequency spectrumÂ…this is a worthwhile improvement to my ac-3 tw t/table
I have a Raven one and I have one on order. I will post my findings as soon as I get the mat in my table. From feedback here I believe this mat will take things to the next level.