TW-Acustic Raven 10.5 or DaVinci Grandezza??

Seems like a crazy question!
I am getting a Raven one but will have a choice of the Raven 10.5 or DaVinci Grandezza for just $2000 more! Which should I go for? Well I am not sure if Raven one is a good match to this super arm but the 10.5 have got great reviews. Please give soem advice.

Showing 4 responses by kdl

Dertonarm, you are stretching miles to defend the undefendable and might end up in the woods. We are not living in a perfect audio world. Azimuth adjustment available on the arm should be a better solution (although not cost effective for 5K arm) in the unfortunate event when needed than using tiny washers between head shell and cartridge (which is very cost effective for 11K arm).

BTW, your preset opinion against the German arm on the Subject is well documented in another discussion even before its availability and the availability of Uni-Pro as well.

Guess what's really count counts, that's why Uni-Pro has a template for the relative new German arm in the subject. My doubts are whether the template provided by Uni-Pro can be trusted.
10-26-11: Dertonarm

TW 10.5 ...;-) ... within Germany the history of that "german tonearm" is much better known than in the USA.

Read careful what you are quoting.
I took position against the "pre-introduction hype and laurels" - for good reason.

All the TW fan group - and a few others will have a great time this late winter when my tonearm is introduced.
But relax - the price will put it out of reach for most, 70% of the limited edition is already sold prior to launch and it requests some really serious turntables to be mounted.

You'll have fun.

Is this qualified for "pre-introduction hype and laurels" by yourself? :)
Dertonarm, this is really blowing the wind hard.

My tonearm too does feature azimuth adjustment (in fact with fine calibrated scale that is - so one will always get back to precisely set positions) - as you will see in 4 months here pictured on Audiogon.

What you are saying is very simple. In theory (or in an ideal audio world), azimuth adjustment on an arm is not necessary. But in reality or from a marketing point of view (if that's the case for you to try to sell der tonarm), it's necessary to have, and you even make it more refined which by itself might be a good thing, although you didn't go as far as what Talea did.

Basically you are saying one thing and doing another. What you believe (if you have one) is not what you are going to behave. Very misleading say the least.

Better put some disclaimer as other dealers or makers do on your future post before you have a brand: maker of Uni-XXX
Dertonarm: Are you for real? After pomp the Grandezza to a future class status and value, now came to the dump of your Grandezza for under 5K even 2K lower than another demo unit in US. LOL.