TW-Acustic cartridge alignment HELP

Does anyone knows how to use that tone arm alignment card correctly?
I don't understand what is the correct way to align the axis?
Hope to find a step by step guide on this one.

Showing 2 responses by tdaudio

I use the Feikert and Mint too. I think all you need is the Mint but the Feikert is useful as well.

I have another arm in use right now but I recall that once I had the Raven arm set up, it hit the 15.8mm line spot on but I don't recall exactly where. At the arrow or closer to the spindle?

Philb7777 where does your stylus hit that line?
Luna, I forgot one thing. There is a single small round hole in the area where you mount the cartridge to the tone arm. Use that to set the pivot to spindle distance by having a loose arm board where you can center the hole on the platter spindle. (Cartridge must be off) Then tighten the arm board. That eliminates the need for the Feikert. That is slick.

Then follow Philb7777 for setting the overhang by hitting the 15.8MM line at the point of the arrow.