TW-Acustic cartridge alignment HELP

Does anyone knows how to use that tone arm alignment card correctly?
I don't understand what is the correct way to align the axis?
Hope to find a step by step guide on this one.

Showing 5 responses by philb7777

This may not help, but I didn't find the TW card or the pivot to spindle distance tool very helpful. I used the card only to roughly assess VTA by looking to see how level my tonearm was initally before dialing in VTA.

For pivot to spindle distance I used the Feikert tool and for the cart alignment I used a mint protractor.
Point the arrow toward the pivot point, and then move the arm until you can assess overhand on the grid where the numbers, including 15.8 are. In a sense, you will wind up with the arm not quite parallel.

That is a slick way for spindle to pivot distance check. I never noticed the small hole in the tone arm end of the TW!
Luna, the mint is a great protractor. Get good lighting, and have patience and you will be rewarded, no doubt!