TW-Acustic Arm

TW-Acustic has a beautiful looking arm. Does anyone know what it sounds like?
To Perrew:

I wrote above : "Thomas already told me before Xmass he has compared his new creature to the arms you mentioned above and he claimed his arm is sonically far superior"

I sent and I got very few emails about TW Arm 10.5 with Thomas W. just about the supposed final price and availability time , since I'm going to buy a new arm for my Raven One.

During one of these few emails Thomas wrote me he compared his new Jewel with some other arms but he "never" wrote me a precise comparation with a certain arm , notably he never wrote about a comparison to the Breuer because I never mentioned the Breuer to him .. due to the fact the Breuer isn't in my wished short arms list.

So if you were refferring to my post .. you are confusing and muddling thoughts.

I have great respect for Thomas W. and I repeat I exchanged few thoughts with him but I never asked him for a precise comparation with xyz arm .. and he never replied a precise comparation with xyz arm.

As I wrote .. he claimed his arm is very good , since he compared with "some other great arms" , and he injected enthusiasm into the new creature , as obvious for a designer.
That's all!


Meeting in Munich in May ?!
Thichan - great idea !!
I am in for sure !
Now - TW should be at the High-End anyway.
All others should take the opportunity.
Munich is never as nice as in spring time.
Have a web?-camera with you and we can set up a nice discussion group regarding tonearm (and turntable....) design.
I would love to see this happen and would like to discuss tonearm (and turntable...) design with some of the "professional manufacturers" live and in person.
Hello Mr.Brakemeier (Dertonarm)

Do ever had a Graham Phantom in use? Or has Bob changed his antiskating design?
I am looking forward for more lessons about analog.

Hello Mr. Woschnik, well I guess you should digest and learn from all those lessons already out there first, before asking for more......
Right now its kind of asking for college tutorial when still struggling with elementary school routine.
There are many lessons out there for a tonearm designer who really wants to create something new and smart - one just have to have a remote interest to learn and to widen one's horizon.

Yes, I am familiar and had in personal use the Phantom and know the Phantom II from direct first hand impressions in a very familiar high class set-up with 3 top-flight current production LOMCs.
Again - you have problems reading correctly: "basic idea shown in the Graham Phantom" doesn't mean "same as..."
But if you look real close you could indeed learn a hell of a lot from Robert Grahams design. Many nice and some -at its point of introduction to the market- unique and highly innovative design features and some really smart solutions.
Something I would really like to see in your tonearm.
Curio, I quote:

"01-18-10: Curio
Interesting to note that some of you have already chosen other arms over the 10.5 without even hearing it. My understanding is that Thomas has Phantom, Breur, Schroder, etc. tonearms. Am sure he has compared his own arm to these well known brands. (Eps)

Thomas already told me before Xmass he has compared his new creature to the arms you mentioned above and he claimed his arm is sonically far superior."

From the above one could conjecture TW stating the superiority to the Breuer.

Therefore my interest in knowing how the TW10.5 is sonically superior to the Breuer.