TW-Acustic Arm

TW-Acustic has a beautiful looking arm. Does anyone know what it sounds like?
Ok, thanks for clarification, Thomas.
I got some emails from people, knowing that I'm a Raven owner, asking if I have the arm myself, have heard it, being interested in (assuming synergies with the Raven family) and so on.
I got the impression that only a few items were on the market, in hands of friends, reviewers, whoever.

But being in production and available in a short term should be good news for the "beggars".
Hello Perrew,
I am sorry but I don't give you a answer of your question. That is not fair to make comments of products from other manufactures. I sold a lot of Breuer arms together with the Raven TT, because it is a very good arm. I had it in use for my personal in the last 3 years.
Mr. Breuer a a great designer, a 100% respect from my side.

Hi Thomas i know you like the breuer therfore my question but if i understand correctly you chose a pivoted arm before a dynamic?
Hello Perrew,
please, no discussion about who is the best.
I am not the right person for that.
We have some nice Germans here in AudiogoN, they can tell you what is the best.
