Turntable versus tonearm versus cartridge: which is MOST important?

Before someone chimes in with the obvious "everything is important" retort, what I'm really wondering about is the relative significance of each.

So, which would sound better:

A state of the art $10K cartridge on a $500 table/arm or a good $500 cartridge on a $10K table/arm?

Assume good enough amplification to maximize either set up.

My hunch is cartridge is most critical, but not sure to what extent.



Showing 1 response by bukanona

IMO to deduct from price about quality is difficult especially in audio. So comparison only on price is even more difficult.
Although I haven't heard very cheap cartridge which plays very good on any system. If there is problems to discriminate good MC or moving iron from AT-VM95E - there a problem with a system but it doesn't mean that it's a problem with a price of  AT-VM95E