Turntable upgrade recommendations: SME vs AMG vs Technics vs other

I've recently upgraded most of my system, but I still have a Rega P8, with Linn Krystal cartridge, which I like, but I've heard that there may be better options.

I have Sound Lab electrostatic speakers, Ypsilon Hyperior amplifiers, an Ypsilon PST-100 Mk2 pre-amplifier, and am thinking about an Ypsilon phono stage to match with my system, and a turntable/cartridge.  I listen to almost entirely classical, acoustic music. 

Based on my very limited knowledge, and simple research, I've been looking at three brands, each of which is a different type of turntable: SME (suspension), AMG (mass), and Technics (direct drive).  
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of turntables, and of those in particular?



Showing 10 responses by pindac

I put the link up in another thread recently, this device seems to sahre a very similar role as the MinusK.

Brochure_i4.pdf (google.com)

I am quite familiar with the SME 20/12 > SME Series V and am quite happy to vouch for it being a stellar performer.

I am as a listener quite attuned to detecting smearing and small distortions during a replay. My experiences has allowed myself on a few occasions to offer suggestions on methods to decrease the noticeable presence of the unwanted information.

Sometimes a thorough stylus clean is enough, on others a selection of Puck weights can offer an improvement and on the the odd occasion it has been suspected that a Platter Spindle Bearing is not functioning at its optimum.

A very basic treatment of a few drips of oil added to the Spindle Housing has yielded a much improved result, a subsequent servicing of the bearing housing has created a perception of a very good improvement having occurred.

I don't think a TT manufacturer would randomly select a TT to be used for testing and supply the Technical Data for their Models. I assume this will be carried out a TT, that has had a little post production attention. Measurements offered for the TT are not guaranteed to to be maintained for the usage life of the TT.

They are probably expected and designed for, to last the warranty period only.

What average TT owner would check for evidence of the deterioration of the Tech Data Info' ?    

I have no recollection of any perception of the SME 20/12 producing any unwanted smearing or distortion during a replay, so I will assume the design for the SME bearing is able to be maintained at a optimum for many many years after being new.

That is not the case for all TT's, I have purchased TT's with a questionable bearing condition, especially when assessing what has been discovered and how it would impact on the function, whilst inspecting the internals of the housing.  I also know others who have shared in this same encounter, and following a few simple procedures attained a much improved functioning part for their TT/TT's. 



SME is today a Brand owned from late 2016 by Cadence Group as a Parent Company.

Cadence like Profits as all Companies do.

They also like the cost of base materials to be controlled, and metals are escalating in value, resins are more controllable.

The Model 60 with the SME Series V 'A' does seem to fit into a Marketing Model of a Parent Company.      

Vinyl has a few ritualistic disciplines, that are a Joy to behold when all are synched.

Developing the want for participating in the disciplines and acquiring the required lessons and equipment necessary to develop the skills and additional practices can be as much fun as the listening experience, even though a little more mentally challenging and less restful when taking part. 

@drbond I do apologise for showing the link to the SME TT, especially shortly after your announcement of having received a new TT and one week into the excitement of having it with you.

It was the Title of the thread that caught my attention and I put the link to the the New Model on here.

Please do not think I was suggesting a different option to the choice you have made, that is not my way of functioning.

I wish you many many hours of enjoyment with your new acquisition.       

Plenty to learn from in the link about Methods to clean Vinyl LP's

I am using the Manual Method and on a Batch of Six Plus LP's can clean in approx' 10 Minutes per LP.

I did intend on using the owned US Tank for the final rinse cycle, but the impressions made has created the condition of a LP where it is felt and additional steps are not needed.

The Manual Method is not as convenient, but is very affordable and the 'Job Well Done' aspect is quite satisfying.   


Precision Aqueous Cleaning of Vinyl Records - The Vinyl Press

@gasherbaum It is great to see there is a opportunity for yourself, to get out and experience different equipment without having to consider a long round trip.

In my experience there is no better way to evaluate a performance of a TT and supporting ancillaries, the actual being in the room with the equipment, is the best.

When a space to carry out the listening is carefully worked on, to enable a better presentation and listening experience, this is usually a much improved encounter over an encounter at a Big Event and can even be better than a home demonstration, as not all listening spaces in a home have a work carried out to improve the system/room coupling. 

Most importantly you was there, you have carried out an assessment and your evaluation is very relevant to the OP's query.        

@gasherbaum I have come to learn, with hopefully not sounding too critical, that there are many with a keen interest in equipment, that do not get out and create experiences for themselves.

It is very common today for an individual to use the available at fingertips searches and gain Knowledge of Equipment by observing different types of Media Presentation or through forums.

For many who use a HiFi System of as a Pass Time and a Luxury, the activity is a lone activity in general and can be quite insular. I can't help feel, the most common method used for creating a furthering of knowledge about owned or other equipment, is adding to the growth of insular equipment owners, with limited experiences of other equipment, especially being demonstrated in environments that are put in place to allow a system to perform at its best.

To take a owned device and have it used on another system, is a wonderful experience to undertake, and to bring a unfamiliar item of equipment into a owned system will have all of the same positive benefits. To achieve either of these outcomes, a dialogue is required between two individuals who share a similar interest, either of the individuals may have a much different set of experiences behind them, and shared information about impressions made can be a great way to share between each other. More importantly respect and friendship is developing and possibly even a whole new social interaction is only around the corner.

I have just described my own experiences and what possibly is a fair chunk of your own.

I am vehement toward avoiding any idea of being a lone participant, with very little interaction in undertaking experiences of equipment.

I like any other can write anything I like about an equipment not demonstrated, but cherry picking from writings from others. I wonder how an assessment would compare, if such a description was made following the outcome of a demonstration.   

For the record, my system is not in use at present, and in the past months, I have discovered devices, as a result of meeting with others and receiving demonstrations of equipment, that has left me with no other thoughts than these are needing a home trial, as the impression made in another system has been very good.    

My familiarity with the SME 20/12 > SME V is now quite distant and I can't quite recollect where I found it most attractive.

The owner of the above set up moved onto a Garrard 401 Idler Drive mounted into a bespoke produced compressed Bamboo Board Plinth > Origin Live Illustrious > Sumiko Pearwood.  I am very familiar with this TT and when used mounted on a Support Structure using Densified Wood Sub Plinths and Pneumatic Isolation Footers, it was in my assessment the best I have heard from a Idler Drive.

The same owner, returned to Belt Drive and purchased a Schue TT (modified to use a Origin Live Motor) and used with the above Tonearm > Cart'. They soon formed the view this was the set up that was equal if not better? than the SME set up. This set up has also been used in a Bake Off between a few other TT > Tonearm > Cart' configurations where on TT set up has cost substantially more. The assessment has been that the Schue added a different flavour to the replay, but was not a bettered TT by the others. 

Most recently I have been demonstrated the Schue with a OL Conqueror Mk IV Tonearm > Sumiko Pearwood. The owner has felt the set up was worthy of this additional investment. This as a set up has maintained the very good impression it can make and is in my assessment recommendable.

An individual has to be sat in front of the Speakers to be able to assess what is happening, reading and conjuring up ideas is fantastical and not with any accuracy, even the aesthetic can be quite different on how it appeals when seen in the flesh in place of a Photo.

Interestingly the TT's owner has a indelible memory of the impact the use of a Densified Wood has had when utilised, and is keen to have the Schue Chassis produced from this material. I am an advocate of such concepts, it would be great if a A/B comparison could be achieved, but the time constraints between setting up both Chassis will potentially be too disruptive.